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The Legal World be secured, but its action shows that it regards the two as of equal importance, and is more frank and satisfactory than emphasis either on the need of immediate relief or on that of provision for the future would have been. Dr. Eliot's timely remarks on the abuse of the pardoning power are inter esting in connection with the fact that Governor Foss pardoned ninety-six con victs in Massachusetts in 1912. Gov ernor Donaghey of Arkansas pardoned 360 convicts on Dec. lV. The Governor's action seems to have been dictated by worthy motives, in the endeavor to break up a pernicious convict lease sys tem, the pardoned offenders having been sentenced in many cases by small justices of the peace to terms of fifteen years or more for minor felonies. In this connection, however, it is well to emphasize the principle that "no Gov ernor, no matter how great his intellec tual equipment or how pure his motives, ought to have such power." This quo tation from the recent comment of the Outlook on the Patrick case well expresses the need of a Governor's having the advice of a competent board of penal experts in such matters. The Governors' Conference at Rich mond failed to take any decisive action on important subjects such as the pro posed uniform acts proposed by the Uniform State Laws Conference, but adopted a commendable resolution dep recating lynch-law which is hopeful as reflecting a sound public opinion on the subject. Personal Hon. Charles M. Start, for the past seventeen years Chief Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court, sat with his colleagues of the court for the last time Dec. 24. On the first of the year Cal vin L. Brown, Associate Justice, became



Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The retiring Chief Justice was presented with a beautiful cane of Spanish snakewood by his associates on the bench. President Taft has made up his mind to accept the proffer of the Kent pro fessorship of law at Ya'.e and probably will take up his duties at New Haven early in the spring. The President, is said to have determined uon accepting the Yale professorship for several rea sons. He will not be restricted merely to lectures to Yale students, but will be permitted to lecture, if he desires, in other law schools or upon the plat form, or to engage in any other occupa tion which he sees fit. Hon. William W. Morrow, judge of the United States Circuit Court at San Francisco, announced DeosaS^Jhat he would retire from the bench in July, on the day when he attains the age of 70. He will take advantage of the oppor tunity of quitting the bench after twenty-two years of service.. During these twenty-two years Judge Morrow has rendered 600 decisions. He has he court in California, Oregon, Alaska Washington, Montana, Idaho, the Hawaiian Islands, and #n the%Jni: Judges Albert G. States Court forHaight China.andAnIrving his notable services was the establishment of the United States District Court in the new state of Arizona.

Vann retired from the New York Court of Appeals Dec. 31, under the age limit. Judge Haight had had a service of forty years on the bench and Judge Vann a ser vice of thirty-one years. On the last day when the Court was in consultation they were presented with loving cups by their associates on the bench. nO