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Lines to a Lawyer Friend in Jail


It certainly is very plain Some other matters you escape: In Upon windows the full street of the tinsel shoppers trash, gape Give Forup hats their of hubbies' most atrocious hard-earned shape cash.

You miss the Christmas shopping crash, You miss a lot of other things — The morning paper's daily hash Concerning tariff bickerings. No. bellboy now around you clings To help you don your overcoat; And safety confinement brings — No hold-up man will get your goat. From things political remote, You care not what the figures were — No matter what the final vote, Still from your place you need not stir. In fact, a lot of things occur That other people fret about That any fellow, my dear sir, Can very nicely do without. So really you have cause to shout With gladness at your present fate; You're luckier, without a doubt, Than many others I could state. And, in the meantime, friends await To hail you with a merry grin When you shall pass the iron gate — A lawyer purged of all his sin! Chicago, III.

The Banishment of "Dryasdustism" from the Law DEAN John A. Wigmore's review of Pollock's "Genius of the Common Law," 1 is of more than usual interest, as the tribute of one great legal scholar to another. "It is a wonderful thing," he says, "to be able to write a book like »7 Illinois Law Review 260 (Nov. 1912).

this. A sure stand upon facts, a wide vision of movements, a delicate marking of outlines and high lights — this com bination of scientific and artistic skill is rarely united, and even more rarely in a legal author. Sir Frederick has brought to bear these talents, as pre-