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The Green Bag

address, delivered by Hon. Frederick L. Taft of Cleveland, also an interesting paper on "Judi cial Recall," by Hon. F. B. Kellogg of St. Paul, and a memorial address, "Hon. James L. Price," by Hon. James W. Halfill of Lima. The com mittee reports are timely, particularly those on "Judicial Administration and Legal Reform."

lems," by Hon. J. L. Parrish. The nineteenth annual meeting of the association will be held at Sioux City, Iowa, on June 26 and 27, 1913.

BOOKS RECEIVED The Old Law and the New Order. By George W. Alger. Houghton Mifflin Co.. Boston and New The Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual York. Pp.296. ($1.25 net.) Socialism and Democracy in Europe. By meeting of the Alabama State Bar Association P. Orth, Ph.D., author of "Five American include these papers: President John Pelham's Samuel Politicians," "Centralization of Administration in address on "Procedural Reform"; "Increase of Ohio," etc. Henry Holt & Co., New York. Pp. Crime, the Law's Delay — The Cause, the 270 + 75 (appendix) + 7 (index). ($1.50 net.) Remedy"; by Governor Emmet O'Neal; "Law Mishnah: A Digest of the Basic Principles of the and Procedure," by Virgil Bouldin; "Progressive Early Jewish Jurisprudence. Baba Meziah (Middle Gate), Order IV, Treatise II. Translated and anno Ideals for the Lawyer," by Clement R. Wood; tated by Hyman E. Goldin, LL.B., of the New York and "The Pending Revolution," by Alfred P. bar. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Pp. 193 + Thorn of Washington, D. C. 5 (appendix) + 7 (index). The Cotton Manufacturing Industry of the The report of the seventh annual meeting of United States. By Melvin Thomas Copeland, instructor in Commercial Organization in the Mississippi State Bar Association, held at Ph.D., Harvard University. Awarded the David A. Jackson on May 8-10, 1912, contains the dif Wells prize for the year 1911-12 and published from ferent committee reports, the address of the the income of the David A. Wells fund. Harvard President, Hon. A. F. Fox, reviewing state and Economic Studies, v. 8. Harvard University, Cam Mass. Pp. 389 + 16 (appendices) + 10 + federal legislation, and the annual address on bridge. (index). ($2 net.) "The Government and the Citizens Considered Statute Law Making in the United States. By with Relation to Their Obligations, Rights, and Chester Lloyd Jones, Associate Professor of Politi Remedies," delivered by Hon. Charles B. cal Science in the University of Wisconsin. Boston Howry. A notable paper on "Equalization of Book Co., Boston. Pp. xii, 308 + 19 (index). Penal Servitude. By E. Stagg Whitin, Ph.D., Taxation" was read by Hon. Clayton D. Potter. The codification and classification of general secretary of the National Committee on Labor, assistant in Social Legislation in the laws relating to the federal judiciary was Prison Columbia University. National Committee on discussed by Hon. J. S. Sexton in his paper Prison Labor, New York. Pp. vii + iii (introduentitled "The Judicial Code." The eighth annual tion) 100 + 62 (appendices) + viii (index). meeting of the Association will be held at Green Penal Philosophy. By Gabriel Tarde, late Magis wood, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday trate, and Professor in the College of France. Trans lated by Rapeljc Howell of the New York bar. with in May, 1913. an editorial preface by Edward Lindsey of the Warren, Pa., bar, and an introduction by Robert H. In the Proceedings of the eighteenth annual Gault, Assistant Professor of Psychology in North meeting ot the Iowa State Bar Association, held western University and managing editor of the of Criminal Law and Criminology. Modern at Cedar Rapids last June, report of the com Journal Criminal Science Series, v. 5. Little. Brown & mittee on law reform was of special interest, Co., Boston. Pp. xxxii, 567 + 14 (index). ($5 recommending abolition of appeals based on net.) purely technical errors, an increase in the num American Pure Food and Drug Laws: comprising ber of Supreme judges, and the division of the the statutes of the United States and of the sev eral states of the Union on the subject of foods and Supreme Court into two sections. The Presi drugs, their manufacture, sale, and distribution, dent's address, read by Senator C. G. Saunders, whether in interstate or foreign commerce; the dealt with "The Judicial Recall." Other administrative rules and regulations of the federal papers included "The Administration of the and state departments and commissioners, and the of purity, etc.; to which are added chap Parole Law: The Indeterminate Sentence," by standards ters on related subjects. With full editorial com Senator William Berry; "The Early Bench and mentaries and numerous citations to federal and Bar of Iowa," by Major John F. Lacey; "The state decisions. By James Westervelt, M.A., of Constitution of the United States and Canada," the New York and New Jersey bars. Vernon Law Book Co., Kansas City. Pp. x, 1450 + 30 (appen by Mr. Justice William R. Riddel! of the King's dix) + 4 (cases cited) + 51 (index). ($7.50 deliv Bench of Ontario; and "Some Railroad Prob ered.)