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The Green Bag

accuracy but the greatest possible prac tical serviceableness in every respect. The National Committee NOTES for Mental Hygiene, with offices at 50 Union square, New York City, has issued a compilation of Summaries of Laws Relating to the Commitment and Care of the Insane in the United States. The book is a digest of the important features of the legislation of the forty-eight states on the subject, and will, as the committee says, serve as a basis for com parative study and the improvement of the systems of the more backward states. The committee finds a great diversity among the sev eral states and criticises the patchwork method by which many of the laws have evolved into their present form. (Pp. 297, $1, paper.) Regular readers of the Green Bag will observe that the announcement of G. P. Putnam's Sons, Publishers, is the same in this issue as the last. The interest, they explain, evinced by Green Bag readers in the first offer of their "Spe

cial Remainder List" has been more than enough to warrant its repetition. There must be others, they feel, who will want to take advantage of the very reduced prices proposed on lines of books very infrequently offered for sale at less than list. It is for their benefit that the second oppor tunity is given. BOOKS RECEIVED American Syndicalism: The I. W. W. By John Graham Brooks, author of "As Others See Us," "The Social Unrest," etc. Macmillan Company, New York. Pp. 256 + 8 (index). ($1.25 net.) Social Environment and Moral Progress. By Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., D.C.L. Oxon., F. R. S., etc., author of "The Malay Archipelago," "Darwinism," "Man's Place in the Universe," "The World of Life," etc. Cassell and Company, New York. Pp. 174 + 7 (index). ($1.25 net.) Matrimonial Jurisdiction in Ontario and Quebec. By George Smith Holmested, one of His Majesty's Counsel for Ontario. Arthur Poole & Co., Toronto. Pp. 54+ 7 (index). Lectures on Legal History and Miscellanous Legal Essays. By James Barr Ames. With a Memoir. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 482 + 30 (table of cases discussed) + 28 (table of other authorities cited) + 15 (index).

Index to Periodicals Jlrticles on Topics of Legal Science and Related Subjects Actions. Sec Legal History. Adjudication. "Equity and the Common Law." By Frank Tudsbcry. 29 Law Quarterly Review 154 (Apr.). The relations between the common law and equity, using the latter word in its broader sense, are discussed, in their historical aspect and in their bearing on the problem of administer ing an ideal justice. "If precedents might be dis regarded according as each judge thought equity demanded it, the variable doctrine resulting therefrom would become the only guide for the courts, and paradoxically speaking no decision would ever be decisive. Such a state in the process of the law has been contemplated by Mr. Justice Story in his work upon Equity Jurisprudence, and is there characterized as despotic." Banking and Currency. "The Money Trust." By Alexander D. Noyes. Atlantic v. 11l, p. 653 (May). "Restrictions may be necessitated on the pur chase of one fiduciary institution by another, to the extent at least of requiring the approval of responsible public officers. There is plausible

argument for the regulation of banking and cor poration directorates, so that the same man or group of men shall not be allowed to sit on the boards of competing institutions." See Interlocking Directorates. Codification. See Common Law. Common Law. "Stonore Said." By Mar garet Center Klingelsmith. 61 Univ. of Pa. Law Review 381 (Apr.). Stonore said in 1345, ley est resoun, "law is reason," and after showing how this saying has been misinterpreted, the author makes it the keynote of a paper which urges the superiority of a "living common law" to a crystallized code. Even the German Civil Code comes in for some criticism. See Legal History. Consideration. "Is the Doctrine of Con sideration Senseless and Illogical?" By Dean Henry Winthrop Ballantine. 11 Michigan Law Review 423 (Apr.). An able paper which goes a long way toward correcting what an eminent reviewer has lately called the "wide flights of speculation" of Pro fessor Ashley (F. P., in 29 Law Quarterly Review, 223). The article is a criticism of Professor