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The Green Bag

quitt early in 1914, who will be asked to call a special session of the legislature to consider the bill and other court re form measures. The following officers were elected: President, W. W. Searcy of Brenham; vice-president, Allan D. Sanford of Waco; Board of Directors: John L. Dyer of El Paso, Frank C. Davis of Houston, Robert W. Slayton of Corpus Christi, R. E. L. Saner of Dallas and W. C. Morrow of Hillsboro; treasurer, Wil liam D. Williams of Austin; secretary, J. B. Cave of Dallas.

days that have gone carried no greater responsibilities than the days that are coming. Almost every conceivable ques tion, almost every matter of moment to the citizen at this time, involves in some way a knowledge of law and the training which enables us. to adjust well known legal principles to our new industrial and social conditions." President W. G. Matthews made one of the most interesting addresses ever made before the state association. It was on the subject, "Martial Law in West Virginia," and in it he protested against the views of Governor Glasscock that there was a necessity for the main West Virginia. — Senator William E. tenance of martial law in the coal strike Borah's paper on "The Lawyer and the districts of West Virginia. Several mem Public" was the feature of the twenty- bers took an active part in the discussion of this protest. Some counseled against ninth annual meeting of the West Vir ginia Bar Association, at Wheeling June endorsing or denouncing the Supreme 16-17, though the Idaho Senator was Court's decisions, saying that it would prevented by illness from delivering precipitate trouble. Others asked that action be postponed until the United it in person. He wrote in part:— "Obligations to the public are to be States Senate completed its investiga tion of the coal strikes. A motion to measured according to ability and op portunity to serve the public; the public refer to a committee passed. weal has a right to exact services in The executive council recommended proportion to our ability to meet the a discussion of the laws regarding the exaction, just as the Government should removal of judges as well as several collect taxes in accordance with the changes in the constitution and by ability to pay. Ever since communities laws. Investigation of charges of at began to adopt rules by which their torneys unfit for the profession was members consented to be governed, the urged. The report was adopted. lawyer has been of great and exceptional A paper by Judge McWhorter was service to the public. He has been read, on "Courtesy and Its Abuses in called upon in almost every emergency, Judicial Administration," another ad from the drafting of the more important dress, by John J. Cornwell, dealing with ordinances of a town meeting to the "The Utilization of the State's Water most tremendous concerns of state, and Powers." A highly successful banquet when called he has in the past given followed. These officers were elected: of his time and learning without money President, Col. Robert White; viceand without price. No member of the presidents, Nelson C. Hubbard, J. J. Cortney, Fleming Alderson, J. W. Vanprofession looks back upon these ser vices characterized with such singular derwort, Frank Enslow, Jr.; secretary, Charles McCamic; treasurer, Charles wisdom and self-sacrifice without emo tions of professional pride. But the A. Kreps.