Page:The Green Eye of the Yellow God (musical score).djvu/4

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\relative c''
  \new PianoStaff
    \new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm 
      { \tag #'lyricrhythm
           c4 c c c8 c  c4 c8 c c4 s8 c \break
           c c c c c c c c  c2. c4 \break
          c8 c c c c4 c8 c c c c c c4 s8 c \break
          c c c c c c c c c4 s s s8 c \break
          c c c c c c c c c4 c8 c c4 c8 c \break
          c c c c c4 c c s s c8 c
    \new Staff = "vocal"
      \new Voice
          <c' g e c>4\arpeggio b,\rest <f c' f> b\rest
          <a' e cis a>\arpeggio b,\rest <d a d,> b\rest
         \stemUp\slurUp f'( e d a) e'2( d4 g,) 
         <c c,>4 b\rest e,2 \tieUp <a~ a,>2
         <a, a'>4) b'\rest \break
         <f c! a_.>8 b\rest <f c a_.> b\rest
             <d, c a_. > b'\rest <c, a_.>
             b'\rest <g d>2~
               HorizontalBracket.direction = #UP
               HorizontalBracket.Y-offset = #4.5
               HorizontalBracket.bracket-flare = #'(0.0 . 0.0)
  \tuplet 3/2 {<g d>8[\startGroup d g]\stopGroup}
             \times 2/3 {g[\startGroup  d g\stopGroup]} \break
           <c c,>4 b\rest <e, cis>2
            \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = #'((2.0 . 1) (-3.0 . 1) (-7.5 . -1)) 
           <a, cis a'>~\(
            <a d a'>4\) d8 e \break
           <f c! a>8 b\rest <f c a> b\rest
             <d, c aes > b'\rest <e, b f> b'\rest
            c,2. b'4\rest 
       \new Voice
         s1 s \break
         \stemDown f2 d f2. r4 \break
         s2 c4( b8 bes) cis2( d4) s \break
         s1 \slurDown b4( a b) r
    \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
         \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
            " "  " "   \break
         \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
            " "  " "   \break
        \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
            " "  " "  " " " " " " \break
        \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
            " "  " "   \break
        \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
            " "  " "  " " " " " "  " " \break
        \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
            " "  " "
   \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
         nearly "twenty " -- " one,"
         \override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0
         And "ar "  -- " rangements" had 
        "be " -- " gun"  To "cel " -- " e " --
        " brate "her "birth " -- " day"
         with a ball. He wrote to ask what
         present she would like from Mad
         "Ca " -- " rew,"
         They met next day as he "dis " --
         " missed"
         a squad, And "jest " -- " ing " -- " ly"
         she told him
         then that nothing else would do But
         the green eye of the little Yellow God.
         On the
     \new Staff
        \clef "bass"
        \new Voice
          \voiceOne \relative c
            \stemDown <bes' c e>4\arpeggio d,\rest
            <c' a> d,\rest <g a cis>\arpeggio d\rest
            <f a> d\rest \break
            \stemUp\slurUp a'2. r4 c^>( a b) r
             \stemDown d,2\rest c4( d8 e~
             \stemUp e2)( f4) r \break
             \stemDown d8 d\rest e d\rest
              f d\rest fis d\rest g2. d4\rest
      \break  d2\rest bes'4( a8 g f2.) d4\rest
      \break d8 d\rest e d\rest f d\rest 
             \stemUp g, \stemDown
                d'\rest c g\rest g g\rest c,
        g'\rest d'4\rest
        \new Voice
          \voiceTwo \relative c
            \slurDown  s1 s \break
            \stemDown d4( e f fis g2. r4 \break
              s1 f,2. r4 \break
              s1 s \break s s
        \new Voice
          \voiceThree \relative c
            \override Stem #'cross-staff = ##t
% extend the stems to reach other other staff           
            \override Stem #'length = #12
% do not print extra flags
           \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag
             s1 s \break s s \break s s
             \break s s \break s s \break
              s <g' e>2. s4
   line-width = 17\cm
  \context {
    \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
    \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
    \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"