Page:The Green Eye of the Yellow God (musical score).djvu/8

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\relative c''
  \new PianoStaff
    \new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm 
      { \tag #'lyricrhythm
           c8 c c c c4 c8 c c2. c8 c
           c c c4 c c8 c c c c4 c c8 c
           c4 c c c c c c1. s2. s4 s4 c
            c8 c c c c4 c  c c  c s8 c
            c c c c c4 c8 c c2. s8 c

    \new Staff = "vocal"
      \relative c'
 \once\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
      \new Voice
            \once \set doubleSlurs = ##t
          <des aes f!>2
\once \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((2 . -1.7) (6 . -2.8) (10 . -2.8) (14.0 . -1.7))
<aes f des~>4(\(\> <bes g des>)\)\!
         \tieUp <c~ aes~ c,>2 \stemUp<c aes>8 r8 r4 \break
          <g' c>2_\markup{ \dynamic ppp \tiny \italic "(pianiss possibil)" } <d! g> <c e?> <c f> \break
       \time 6/4 \phrasingSlurUp e4\( d c\)
 \tieDown \once \set doubleSlurs = ##t <a!  f~ c>2(^> <b f b,>4)
   a\( <dis, c a> <e c g>\) g2. a4 <dis, b> <e bes>
       g2. \break
\time 4/4
        <c, g e>4^- <aes f des'>2^> <aes! des! f>4^-
      \once\override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0 \set crescendoText = \markup { \italic { cresc. poco. } } \set crescendoSpanner = #'text  <des e! g>2\< <e g des'>\! \break
  <c' ges ees>2  \stemDown <ges! c ges'!> <f' b,! f>1

      \new Voice
       \relative c'
         s1 s \break
         e'!2 b! \stemDown a? \stemUp\tieUp
    \slurUp\shiftOn \once\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #0.7 a4( aes) \break\stemDown    
         <g e>2. s s2. s4\< s4^\markup{\small\italic crescendo.}_ \markup{ \small\italic accell. }
 s4\! s2. r4^\> <f b,!> r\! \break
  s32_\markup{ \dynamic ppp \small \italic{
 \concat{ "tempo I" \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.9)\super{\column{ O \override #'(baseline-skip . 10) ·}} } } }\break
        s32 s16 s8 s2. s1 \break
       s1 s2.\> s4\!
      \new Voice
       \relative c'
          s1 s \break
          s s2 \stemDown d!
    \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
         \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " " " "
            " " \break
         \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
           " " " " " " " " \break
        \markup{\small\italic Valsando.}
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
        \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " " " "  " "
          " " " "\break
        \markup{ \with-color #white  ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
            " "  " "  " " " " " " 
   \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
thought of him and hastened to his room.
As she crossed the barrack square
She could hear the dreamy air
Of a waltz -- tune softly stealing \markup
           {"thro" \char ##x2019
          } the gloom.
His door was open wide, with silver moonlight shining through; The place was wet and slippy
where she trod;  An
     \new Staff = "bass"
        \clef "bass"   
        \new Voice
 \once\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
          \voiceOne \relative c
            bes'2 \oneVoice r8 ees,4 ees,8
            aes\( ees' aes c
             \change Staff="vocal"\stemDown
              ees8\) aes! c ees \break
             \change Staff="bass"\stemDown
              s1 s \break
              g,,4\( gis a\)
              \oneVoice r d,( g,!)
              \stemUp\slurUp c,( g'2) r4
              <f'b>2 r4 a g r g( g,)
              <c c,>2.\( <b b,>4\)
             <bes, bes'>2.:16 <bes' bes,>4:16
          <a! a,!>2.:16 <a a,>4:16
          <aes aes,>2^^(\( <g g,>\))

        \new Voice
          \voiceTwo \relative c
            s1 s  \break
            s s \break
            s1. c,2. cis'4\( d g,) c!2( cis4)
            d r g,
        \new Voice
          \voiceThree \relative c
             s1 s \break
   line-width = 17\cm
    \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"