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"No, thank you," said Charley, quickly. "I just wanted to know. And perfect understanding is the truth, then, is it?"

"Yes. We reflect God, and He is Perfect Understanding. We have to know that we are His image and likeness in every way."

"Thank you, Mamma, that's all I wanted to know," and as Mamma passed on up the stairs, Charley dropped his head on the table. "Oh, dear!" he thought, "I never could remember things, and how am I going to remember 'perfect understanding,' and about reflecting God, and all that, when they are such big words?" Then suddenly he looked up. "Why, if I reflect God I can't forget things, and so I'm all right. I'll hold on to that part of it, anyway."

As the days went on and the December examinations drew near, Charley's face grew brighter and brighter, and Uncle Fred noticed that instead of poring over his books for an hour or so every evening, he spent the time reading or drawing or playing parchesi with his sister; and that kind gentleman shook his