Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/156

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referred to as normal holds also in this case for Pterygotus, but there are many other occurrences for which no data are available. However, the rarity and the poorness of preservation of the fragments which have been found make it a matter of no great importance whether the eurypterids are intimately associated with the marine forms or not. I shall here list the localities as given by Alth and other workers in the same field.

Eurypterus fischeri. 1. Eichwald reports this in a black, compact limestone with corals from Kamieniec podolski, Podolia.

2. Malewski reports it from the same limestone at Dumanów, Zawale and Studzienica, Podolia (see Schmidt's remarks above, p. 148).

3. Fragments reported by Wenjukow from Dumanov, Podolia.

4. Siemiradzki reports this species from Zalucze on the Smotrycz river, in a yellow marly limestone (263, 215).

Pterygotus osiliensis. Exact locality and horizon not given for Alth's specimens.

Schmidt reports this species from transition beds of Zalesczyki, Galicia.

Siemiradzki has also recorded the finding of fragments which seem to be similar to Alth's undetermined Pterygotus sp. in the olive green shales from the same locality (263, 215).

Stylonurus sp. Alth. 1. A tail spine from the plattenkalk of the Borszczower beds from Zamuszyn (Alth Plate V, fig. 4).

2. A tail spine from the light greenish-gray marls into which the gray limestones of the Skalaer group pass upwards, found in the region of the Zbrucz Valley opposite to Zajaczki and north of Husiatyn. (Alth Plate V, fig. 5).

3. A tail spine from the thin limestones opposite Zamuszyn (Alth Plate V, fig. 6).

These occurrences in Galicia and Podolia follow the general rule of being very fragmentary and isolated. From the literature one cannot tell whether the eurypterids were actually found in the same beds with the undoubted marine forms or not.

Pterygotus sp. ind. Siemiradzki. Siemiradzki has reported the occurrence of a telson of an undeterminable species of a Pterygotus from the Devonic coral limestone of Skala, Galicia (263, 215). This is mentioned here to complete the survey of the Austro-Russian occurrences.