Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/171

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of the Greenock Water. From the sand greywackes and greenish shales E. N. E. of Waterhead the following fossils are recorded (215, 576):

Slimonia acuminata (Salt.)
Beyrichia kloedeni (M'Coy)
Dirtyocaris sp.
Spirorbis lewisi (Sow.)
Goniophora cymbaeformis (Sow.)
Modiolopsis complanata (Sow.)
M. nilssoni (His.)
Orthora impressa (Sow.)
O. rotundata (Sow.)
O. solenoides (Sow.)
Platyschisma helicites (Sow.)

Following upon the highest of the Ludlow green flaggy and sandy greywackes there is in many localities a conglomerate of varying thickness conformable, so it is stated, upon the Ludlow. In the Lesmahagow inlier, however, this conglomerate is absent. On the northwest slope of the anticline the transition beds are exposed in many places showing the change from greywackes to cross-bedded red and yellow sandstones, 1300 feet thick, and constituting subdivision 8. Overlying this is a group of strata, about 100 feet in thickness, containing the very important fish-band. Sections along the Dippal Burn and various streamlets emptying into the Glengarel and Kype Waters show the succession. The fish-band itself is only from 12 to 15 feet thick, comprising an alternating series of brown flaggy carbonaceous shales and green muds tones. It is in the former that the fishes and eurypterids occur, but no organic remains have been found in the mudstones. There are many sections from which the fish and eurypterids have been obtained, but two will suffice to show the nature of the fauna. Near the head of Dippal Burn there have been obtained (215, 578):

Eurypterus dolichoschelus (Laurie)
Ceratiocaris sp.
Lanarkia spinulosa (Traq.)
L. horrida (Traq.)
L. spinosa (Traq.)
Thelodus scoticus (Traq.)
Birkenia elegans (Traq.)