Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/268

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Brown, D. J. and Henderson, John.
29. 1870. On the Silurian Rocks of the Pentland Hills. Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc. Vol. I, pp. 23–33, 266–272, pl. VIII, sections 1, 2.
Buckland, Rev. William.
30. 1837. Geology and Mineralogy, etc. (one of the Bridgewater Treatises). Vol. I, p. 396; Vol. II, p. 77, pl. 46, fig. 3.
Burmeister, Hermann.
31. 1843. Die Organization der Trilobiten, pp. 61, 62.
Chamberlin, Thomas C.
32. 1900. On the Habitat of the Early Vertebrates. Jour. Geol. Vol. VIII, pp. 400–412.
Chamberlin, Thomas C. and Salisbury, Rollin D.
33. 1907. Textbook of Geology, Vol. II.
Clarke, John M.
34. 1901. New York State Palaeontologist Report.
35. 1907. Monograph on the Eurypterida (abstract). New York State Museum Report 121, pp. 43, 44.
36. 1907. The Eurypterus Shales of the Shawangunk Mountains in Eastern New York. New York State Museum Bulletin 107, pp. 295–310.
37. 1911. Relation of the Palaeozoic Arthropods to the Strand Line. Bull. G. S. A., Vol. XXII, No. 2, July, pp. 280, 281.
Clarke, John M. and Ruedemann, Rudolf.
38. 1911. Introduction to the Monograph on Eurypterida. 1910 Report of the Director, Bull. N. Y. St. Mus. 149, p. 31.
39. 1912. The Eurypterida of New York. Memoir New York State Museum 14, 2 vols.
Claypole, E. W.
40. 1884. Note on a large Crustacean from the Catskill Group of Pennsylvania. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc., Vol. XXI, pp. 236–239, pl.
41. 1885. On Some Fish Remains Recently Discovered in the Silurian Rocks of Pennsylvania. A. A. A. S. Proc., Vol. XXXIII, pt. I, pp. 424–428.
42. 1890. Correspondence from Akron, Ohio, Sept. 1, Am. Geol., Vol. VI, pp. 258–260, 400.
43. 1894. A New Species of Carcinosoma. Am. Geol., Vol. XIII, pp. 77–79.
Conrad, T. A.
44. 1841. Fifth Annual Report on the Palaeontology of the State of New York, p. 38.
Daly, Reginald A.
45. 1912. Geology of the North American Cordillera at the 49th Parallel. Canada Department of Mines, Mem. No. 38. (Especially pp. 185–191.)
Dames, W.
46. 1881. Geologische Reisenotizen aus Schweden. Zeit. d. d. g. Gesell. Bd. XXXIII, pp. 405–441.
47. 1890. Die Schichtenfolge der Silurbildungen. Gotlands und ihre Beziehungen zu den obersilurischen Geschieben Norddeutschlands. Sitzungsber. d. Berlin Akad. Bd. XLII, pp. 1111–1129.