Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/276

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Meek, F. B. and Worthen, A. H.
169. 1868. Preliminary Notice of a Scorpion, a Eurypterus? and other Fossils, from the Coal-Measures of Illinois. A. J. Sci. and Arts, Vol. XLVI, pp. 19–28.
170. 1868. Geological Survey of Illinois. Geology and Palaeontology, Vol. III, p. 544.
Meyer, H. A.
171. 1875. Zur Physik des Meeres. Jahresbericht der Commission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel für die Jahre, 1872, 1873, pp. 1–41, especially 22–41, and map.
Meyer, H. A., Mobius, K., Karsten, G., Hensen, V., Kupffer, C.
172. 1872. Jahresbericht der Commission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel. Contains papers on the investigations in the Baltic and North Sea by these and other authors.
Miller, Hugh.
173. 1847. The Old Red Sandstone.
Miller, S. A.
174. 1874. Genus Megalograptus. Cincinnati Quarterly Journal of Science, Vol. I, pp. 343–346, figs. 35, 36, 37.
175. 1880. North American Geology and Palæontology.
Miller, S. A. and Gurley, William F. E.
176. 1896. New Species of Echinodermata and a New Crustacean from the Palaeozoic rocks. Ill. State Mus. Bull. of Natural History X, pp. 90, 91, pl. V, fig. 1.
Milne-Edwards, H.
177. 1838. Sur le Developpment des Limules; Société Philomatique.
178. 1843–1846. Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés, t. III, p. 422, 1840.
Mitchell, Hugh.
179. 1861. On the Position of the Beds of the Old Red Sandstone, developed in the counties of Forfar and Kincardine, Scotland. Q. J. G. S., Vol. XVII, pp. 145–151.
Mitchell, Samuel L.
180. 1818. An Account of the Impression of a Fish in the Rock of Oneida County, N. Y. The American Monthly Magazine and Critica Review, Vol. III, p. 291.
Moberg, Joh. Chr.
181. 1910. Historical-Stratigraphical Review of the Silurian of Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersöknung, Ser. C, No. 229, 202 pp. and map, especially pp. 24–28.
Mobius, Karl.
182. 1872. Die faunistischen Untersuchungen in der Ostsee im Jahre 1871, auf der Expedition S. M. S. Pommerania. Der Zoologische Garten. Zeitschrift für Beobachtung, Pflege und Zucht der Thiere, Vol. XIII, pp. 276–280.
183. 1873. Die wirbellosen Thiere der Ostsee. Jahresbericht der Commission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel für das Jahr 1871, pp. 97–144.