Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/34

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have added Pseudo-Galathea rotundata and Palaeocrangon elegans. At Tweeden Burn, Liddesdale, have been found many membra disjecta, unidentifiable. The fauna also includes some Xiphosurans: Prestwichia alternate Peach from Lavuston Burn, upper Liddesdale, Prestwichia rotundata Woodward from the River Esk locality and Cyclus testudo Peach from Langholm. Many of these crustacean forms are quite well preserved. Scorpions also occur at Langholm: Eoscorpius glaber Peach, E. euglyptus Peach and E. inflatus Peach. These forms though never perfect are very complete and show all parts well.

Carbonic or Carboniferous. In the Coal Measures of Great Britain the final stragglers among the eurypterids are found, just as they are in North America. Eurypterus (Arthropleura) mammatus Salter includes fragments from Pendleton Colliery, near Manchester, England, which are associated with many plant remains, a few of which may be mentioned:

Lepidodendron obovatum.
Lepidodendron sternbergii.
Lepidodendron elegans.
Neuropteris loshii.
Neuropteris heterophylla.
Neuropteris gigantea.
Cyclopteris flabellata.
Sphenopteris obtusiloba.
Sphenopteris latifolia.
and some others


Siluric. Lower Siluric Ee1, Ee2 of Barrande. From the Siluric basin of Bohemia Barrande listed six species of Pterygotus, all of which are represented by the merest fragments and are of rare occurrence. They are found in undoubted marine formations, for Ee1 is a black graptolite-bearing shale, while Ee2 contains numerous cephalopods, gastropods, trilobites and corals (12, 39–44). The species of Pterygotus are: bohemicus, comes, cyrtochela, kopaninensis, mediocris and nobilis. Of the general preservation and faunal associates of these eurypterids Barrande remarks:

"Our basin, so privileged in respect to the frequency and the state of preservation of the trilobites and the other crustacea, appears, on the contrary, very poor in the fossils representing the two types of