Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/7

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Introduction 7
Chapter I. Systematic Review of the Occurrence of the Eurypterida in each Period from the Pre-Cambric through the Permic 11
Introductory 11
North America 11
Pre-Cambric 11
Cambric 13
Ordovicic 13
Siluric 15
Lower Siluric or Niagaran 15
Middle Siluric or Salinan 17
Upper Siluric or Monroan 19
Devonic 22
Mississippic 23
Carbonic 23
Great Britain 25
Siluric 25
Lower Siluric or Llandovery—Wenlock 25
Upper Siluric or Ludlow 26
The Lanarkian 28
Devonic 28
Mississippic or Calciferous 28
Carbonic or Carboniferous 30
Bohemia 30
Siluric 30
Lower Siluric or E e1 and E e2 of Barrande 30
Upper Siluric or F f1 or Barrande 32
Carbonic 32
Coal measures of Bohemia 32
Belgium 32
Devonic 32
Upper Devonic 32
Baltic Islands and Russia 33
Siluric 33
Upper Siluric of Gotland 33
Upper Siluric of Oesel 34
Austro-Russian Border Lands 35
Siluric 35
Upper Siluric of Podolia and Galicia 35
Devonic 35
Middle Devonic of Galicia 35