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prevent the ball passing between them. The bails, when united, must not exceed eight inches in length.


must be a yard in length on each side of the stumps, and be drawn in a line with them: at each extremity of the bowling-crease there must also be a return-crease, towards the bowler at right angles.


must be four feet distant from the wicket, and extend parallel with it.


must remain quietly at a reasonable space behind the wicket, and not stir till the bowler has delivered the ball. If any portion of his body, limbs, or head be beyond, or even over the wicket, the batter shall not be considered out, although the ball hit the wicket. The wicket-keeper also is not allowed to annoy the striker, either by noise, uncalled-for remarks, or unnecessary action.


must be pitched opposite to each other, and at the distance between them of twenty- two yards.

It is not lawful for either party, during a match, without the consent of the other, to alter the ground by rolling, watering, covering, mowing, or beating. This rule is not meant to prevent the striker from beating the ground with his bat, near where he stands, during the innings, or to prevent the bowler from filling the holes, watering the ground, or using sawdust, &c., when the ground is wet.

After rain the wickets may be changed with the consent of both parties.