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original position in the next round, if guarding does not prevent it.

16. Byes.—A natural bye shall be given to the lowest available dog in each round. No dog shall run a second such bye in any stake, unless it is unavoidable. When a dog is entitled to a bye, either natural or accidental, his owner or nominator may run any greyhound he pleases to assist in the course, provided always that in Sapling Stakes only a sapling may be used, and in Puppy Stakes none older than a puppy. But if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Stewards that no sapling or puppy respectively can be found to run an accidental bye, an older dog may be used. No dog shall run any bye earlier than his position on the card entitles him to do. The slip and the course in a bye shall be the same as in a course in which a decision is required, and the Judge shall decide whether enough has been done to constitute a course, or whether it must be run again, and in the latter case the Judge shall give the order. If at the commencement of any round in a stake one dog in each course of that round has a bye, those byes shall not be run, but the dogs shall take their places for the next round as if the byes had been run. A bye must be run before a dog can claim the advantage of it. Byes, or participation in winnings through being entitled to byes, shall count as courses won.

17. Slip Steward.—The Committee of an Open Meeting and the members of a Club Meeting shall appoint, on the first evening of a Meeting, a Slip Steward, whose duty shall be to see that the right greyhounds, both in courses and byes, are brought to slips in their proper turn; to report to the Stewards, without delay, any greyhound that does not come to the slips in time, and any