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being unsighted, or from a bad slip, in which case the Judge is to decide what amount of allowance is to be made, on the principle that the score of the foremost dog is not to begin until the second has had an opportunity of joining in the course, and the Judge may decide the course or declare the course to be an undecided or no course, as he may think fit.

b. Where a hare bears very decidedly in favour of one of the greyhounds, after the first or subsequent turns, in which case the next point shall not be scored by the dog unduly favoured, or only half his points allowed, according to circumstances. No greyhound shall receive any allowance for a fall or an accident, with the exception of being ridden over by the owner of the competing greyhound or his servant, provided for by Rule 31, or when pressing his hare, in which case his opponent shall not count the next point made.

28. Penalties:—

a. Where a greyhound, from his own defect, refuses to follow the hare at which he is slipped, he shall lose the course.

b. Where a dog wilfully stands still in a course, or departs from directly pursuing the hare, no points subsequently made by him shall be scored; and if the points made by him up to that time be just equal to those made by his antagonist in the whole course, he shall thereby lose the course; but where one or