Page:The Harvard Classics Vol. 19.djvu/118

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Mephistopheles (in the same position)

It now at least must be confessed, That poets sometimes are sincere.

(The caldron which the She-Monkey has neglected begins to boil over; a great flame arises, which streams up the chimney. The Witch comes down the chimney with horrible cries.)

The Witch

Ough! ough! ough! ough! Accursed brute! accursed sow! The caldron dost neglect, for shame! Accursed brute to scorch the dame! (Perceiving Faust and MEPHISTOPHELES) Whom have we here? Who’s sneaking here? Whence are ye come? With what desire? The plague of fire Your bones consume!

(She dips the skimming-ladle into the caldron and throws flames at Faust, MEPHISTOPHELES, and the MONKEYS. The MONKEYS whimper.)


(twirling the whisk which he holds in his hand, and striking among the glasses and pots)

Dash! Smash! There lies the glass! There lies the slime! Tis but a jest; I but keep time, Thou hellish pest, To thine own chime!