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solet' (p. 614, ed. 1766; p. 597, ed. Willis). The modern experiment which I wish first to introduce to your attention, rests for its accomplishment upon the employment of the delicate injection-syringe (for Einstichung) of Ludwig, and of the fine soluble Berlin blue for the substance to be injected. Here, as in many other instances, our superiority to our forefathers rests mainly or wholly upon our possession of more delicate, or upon our command of more powerful agents; and the delicate syringe and the penetrating soluble injection-mass help us to discoveries and demonstrations impossible in default of such means; just as the superior lenses of Malpighi and Leeuwenhoeck helped them to the discovery and demonstration of the capillary circulation, unknown to the discoverer of the makroscopic circulation. The experiment to which I refer has its results fairly represented in the accompanying drawing Fig, 1) of a specimen prepared by myself at a class-demonstration. It gives a figure of the lacteals injected, by the means just specified, as they exist upon the terminal segment, here widely globular, of the ileum,