Page:The Harveian oration - delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, October 18th 1887 (IA b30475958).pdf/27

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laboratories, those who attack medicine from its physical side may be counted on the fingers of one hand. Nor indeed are the written treatises on this subject abundant, in this country at least. The Animal Mechanics, of the Rev. Dr. Haughton, of Trinity College, Dublin, is an exceptional work of great value, which has hardly received the attention it deserves from the medical profession, but it stands almost alone as the representative of its class. On the Continent, however, and in America the case is very different. The admirable Medical Physics of Professor Wundt, of Heidelberg, has been translated from the German into French, with valuable additions by Dr. Ferdinand Monayer, who regularly lectures on medical physics at the Lyons Faculty of Medicine, and affords a storehouse of information of the highest value to the medical practitioner.

Dr. John C. Draper, Professor of Chemistry and Physics in the Medical Department of the University of New York, has also made an excellent contribution to the literature of this subject in his Textbook of Medical Physics, published the year be-