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was obtained to vary the date of delivery. The bequest was received in 1881, and the first Bradshaw Lecture was given in that year by Dr. Vivian Poore, whose recent death in the prime of life we all so deeply deplore, and whose genial personality will be greatly missed at this College. Since that time interesting and instructive Bradshaw Lectures on a variety of subjects have been delivered by distinguished Fellows of this College, who have given us the benefit of their special knowledge and experience.

5. Milroy Lectures.—In 1886 Dr. Gavin Milroy, a Fellow of the College, by his will bequeathed "to the President and Council of the Royal College of Physicians for the time being a sum of £2,000, for the purpose of founding and continuing a yearly Lectureship of three or more lectures in State Medicine and Public Hygiene, on trust, to invest the same . . . and pay the income thereof to a Lecturer to be appointed by them from time to time." A point of practical interest relating to this lectureship is that Dr. Milroy gave absolute discretion to the President and Council to vary the investments, and at all times to manage, appropriate, and dispose of the said funds and the income thereof as they shall think fit. He left "suggestions" with regard to the subjects of the lectures, which are kept in print for the guidance of lecturers. By a resolution of the College, the lectures are now known as