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15. Bisset Hawkins Memorial Medal.—Dr. Francis Bisset Hawkins was for many years the senior Fellow of this College. He was born in 1796 and died in 1895, thus living to within a year of his centenary. In 1896 Captain Edward Wilmot Williams, at the suggestion of our esteemed colleague Dr. Theodore Williams, presented to the College the sum of £1,000 sterling, with the object of perpetuating Dr. Hawkins's memory in connection with the College. It was resolved to establish a gold medal to be bestowed triennially on some duly qualified medical practitioner, who is a British subject, and who has, during the preceding ten years, done such work in advancing Sanitary Science, or in promoting Public Health, as, in the opinion of the College, deserves special recognition. The award is made by the President; and this year the medal has been most appropriately conferred on Sir Patrick Manson, K.C.M.G.

Library and Museum.

As has been already stated, the original foundation of the library of the College of Physicians was laid by Linacre. In addition to Harvey's own contributions, the following deserve special mention: William Gilbert, President in 1600, bequeathed to the College his whole library, globes, instruments, and cabinet of minerals, most of which were unfortunately destroyed in the fire of 1666, only one