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and he was jeered at with all politeness by the French Academy of Medicine! Since his time the Institute which he founded has worthily maintained and even enhanced its reputation, and it has now developed into a truly wonderful place, where the amount and quality of scientific research carried out claim our highest appreciation and approbation.

In this city we have also an institution associated with an equally honoured name, one which is revered and always received with acclamation in every part of the world—namely, the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, which has recently been admitted as a school of the University of London in the Faculty of Medicine, for the purpose of research in hygiene and pathology. In many of our chief provincial cities and towns similar developments are taking place, and, indeed, they give London an example of progress in this direction, with which it is very difficult to keep up. And remembering the direct interests which this vast empire has in almost all parts of the world, it is encouraging to note that "Institutes for Research" have been, or are being, established in our different Colonies, in India, and in various tropical regions. In this connection I must not omit to call attention to the princely endowment which the late Mr. Jamsetjee N. Tata has given towards the founding of an Institute in Bombay. It is also interesting to note that Japan, that remarkable country which has