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Phil. 2;4.—Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.—Matt. 7;12.—Deut. 22;1-3.

Heb. 13;16.—But to do good, and to communicate, forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.—Eph. 4;28.—2 Thess. 3;10, 11.


*112. What is required in the ninth command?

That I bear false witness against no man, nor falsify any man’s words: that I be no backbiter, or slanderer: that I do not judge, or join in condemning any man rashly or unheard (Prov. 19;9): but that I avoid all sorts of lies, and deceit, as the proper works of the devil unless I would bring down upon me the heavy wrath of God (Rev. 21;8); likewise, that in judgment and all other dealings, I love the truth, speak it uprightly, and confess it (Eph. 4;15): also, that I defend and promote as much as I am able the honor and good character of my neighbour (1 Pet. 4;8).

Prov. 19;9.—A false witness shall not be unpunished.—Prov. 4;24.—Ps. 15;1, 3.—2 Cor. 12;20.—Ps. 101;5.—Matt. 7;1.—James 4;11.—Lev. 19;11.

Eph. 4;15.—But speaking the truth in love may, grow up into him in all things which is the head, even Christ.—Zech. 8;19.—Ps. 15;1, 2.

1 Pet. 4;8.—And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves.—1 Sam. 16;18.