Page:The Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Vol 1.djvu/248

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and hauled upon it, so that the king was hanged close under the branches and died; and Skialf with her men ran down to their ships, and rowed away. King Agne was buried upon the spot, which was afterwards called Agnefit; and it lies on the east side of the Taurun, and west of Stokksund. Thiodolf speaks of it thus:—

"How do ye like the high-souled maid,
Who, with the grim Fate-goddess' aid,
Avenged her sire?—made Svithiod's king
Through air in golden halter swing?
How do ye like her, Agne's men?
Think ye that any chief again
Will court the fate your chief befell,
To ride on wooden horse to hell?"

Chapter XXIII.
Of Alric and Eric.

The sons of Agne were called Alric and Eric, and were kings together after him. They were powerful men, great warriors, and expert at all feats of arms. It was their custom to ride and break in horses both to walk and to gallop, which nobody understood so well as they; and they vied with each other who could ride best, and keep the best horses. It happened one day that both the brothers rode out together alone, and at a distance from their followers, with their best horses, and rode on to a field; but never came back. The people at last went out to look after them, and they were both found dead with their heads crushed. As they had no weapons, except it might be their horses' bridles, people believed that they had killed each other with them. So says Thiodolf:—

"Alric fell, by Eric slain,
Eric's life-blood dyed the plain.
Brother fell by brother's hand;
And they tell it in the land,
That they worked the wicked deed
With the sharp bits that guide the steed.
Shall it be said of Frey's brave sons,
The kingly race, the noble ones,
That they have fought in deadly battle
With the head-gear of their cattle?"