Page:The Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Vol 2.djvu/91

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KINGS OF NORWAY. 83 the measure ; but it happened here, as it usually does, saga vu. that every one has some friend even among his ene- mies. Ketil of Ringaness was at this meeting. Now Chapter when he came home in the evening he took his sup- The muti- per, put on his clothes, and went down with his ^"u 5and house-servants to the lake ; took a light vessel which kings. he had, the same that King Olaf had made him a present of, and launched it on the water. They found in the boat-house every thing ready to their hands ; betook themselves to their oars, and rowed out into the lake.* Ketil had forty well-armed men with him, and came early in the morning to the end of the lake. He set off immediately with twenty men, leaving the other twenty to look after the ship. King Olaf was at that time at Eid, in the upper end of Raumarige. Thither Ketil arrived just as the king was coming from matins. The king received Ketil kindly. He said he must speak with the king in all haste; and they had a private conference together. There Ketil tells the king the resolution which the kings had taken, and their agreement, which he had come to the certain knowledge of. When the king learnt this he called his people together, and sent some out to collect riding horses in the country ; others he sent down to the lake to take all the row- ing-vessels they could lay hold of, and keep them for his use. Thereafter he went to the church, had mass sung before him, and then sat down to table. After his meal he got ready, and hastened down to the lake, where the vessels were coming to meet him. He himself went on board the light vessel, and as many men with him as it could stow, and all the rest of his followers took such boats as they could get hold of; and when it was getting late in the evening

  • The Myosen is a lake of 60 or 70 miles in length.

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