Page:The Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war.djvu/327

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Gren. batt. von Linsingen. (I. div.—Long Island, Chatterton Hill, Brandywine, Redbank, Charleston.}

Gren. batt. von Block; 1777, von Lengerke. (I. div.—Long Island, Chatterton Hill, Brandywine, Redbank, Charleston.)

Gren. batt. von Minnigerode; 1780, von Loewenstein. (I. div.—Long Island, Chatterton Hill, Brandywine, Redbank, Charleston.)

Gren. batt. von Koehler; 1778, von Graff; 1782, von Platte. (II. div.—Fort Washington, Charleston.)

Leib Regiment. (I. div.—Chatterton Hill, Brandywine, Germantown, Newport, Springfield.)

Regiment Landgraf (sometimes called Wutgenau). (II. div.—Fort Washington, Newport, Springfield.)

Regiment Erbprinz. (I. div.—Long Island, Fort Washington, Yorktown.)

Regiment Prinz Carl. (Newport.)

Regiment von Dittfurth. (I. div.—Newport, Charleston.)

Regiment von Donop. (I. div.—Long Island, Fort Washington, Brandywine, Germantown, Springfield.)

Fuselier Regt. von Lossberg (sometimes Alt von Lossberg). (I. div.—Long Island, Chatterton Hill, Fort Washington, Trenton, Brandywine.)

Fuselier Regt. von Knyphausen. (I. div.—Long Island, Chatterton Hill, Fort Washington, Trenton, Brandywine.)

Grenadier Regt. Rall; 1777, von Woellwarth; 1778, von Trümbach; 1779, d'Angelelli. (I. div.—Long Island, Chatterton Hill, Fort Washington, Trenton, Brandywine, Savannah.)

What remained of the three last-mentioned regiments after Trenton formed the “Combined Battalion” in the campaign of 1777. In December of that year two battalions were formed, under Colonels von Loos and von Woellwarth. The three regiments subsequently resumed their separate organization, but the two first of them again suffered heavily by storm and captivity in September, 1779 (see Chapter XX.).

Regiment von Mirbach; 1780, Jung von Lossberg. (I. div.—Long Island, Fort Washington, Brandywine, Redbank.)

Regiment von Trümbach; 1778, von Bose. (I. div.—Fort Clinton, Springfield, Guildford Court-House, Green Spring, Yorktown.)

Garnisons Regt. von Stein; 1778, von Seitz. (II. div.)

Garnisons Regt. von Wissenbach; 1780, von Knoblauch. (II. div.—Savannah.)

Garnisons Regt. von Huyn; 1780, von Benning. (II. div.—Fort Washington, Newport, Charleston.)