The Hind and the Panther.
The last of all the Litter scap'd by chance,
And from Geneva first infested France.
Some Authors thus his Pedigree will trace,
But others write him of an upstart Race:
Because of Wickliff's Brood no mark he brings
But his innate Antipathy to Kings.
These last deduce him from th' Helvetian kind
Who near the Leman lake his Consort lin'd.
That fi'ry Zuynglius first th' Affection bred,
And meagre Calvin blest the Nuptial Bed
In Israel some believe him whelp'd long since,
Vid. Pref. to Heyl. Hist. of Presb. When the proud Sanhedrim oppres'd the Prince,
Or, since he will be Jew, derive him high'r
When Corah with his Brethren did conspire,
From Moyses Hand the Sov'reign sway to wrest,
And Aaron of his Ephod to devest:
Till opening Earth made way for all to pass,
And cou'd not bear the Burd'n of a class.
The Fox and he came shuffl'd in the Dark,
If ever they were stow'd in Noah's Ark:
And from Geneva first infested France.
Some Authors thus his Pedigree will trace,
But others write him of an upstart Race:
Because of Wickliff's Brood no mark he brings
But his innate Antipathy to Kings.
These last deduce him from th' Helvetian kind
Who near the Leman lake his Consort lin'd.
That fi'ry Zuynglius first th' Affection bred,
And meagre Calvin blest the Nuptial Bed
In Israel some believe him whelp'd long since,
Vid. Pref. to Heyl. Hist. of Presb. When the proud Sanhedrim oppres'd the Prince,
Or, since he will be Jew, derive him high'r
When Corah with his Brethren did conspire,
From Moyses Hand the Sov'reign sway to wrest,
And Aaron of his Ephod to devest:
Till opening Earth made way for all to pass,
And cou'd not bear the Burd'n of a class.
The Fox and he came shuffl'd in the Dark,
If ever they were stow'd in Noah's Ark: