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Hiſtory and Travels


Hector Maclean, Sailor.


IWas born in the Iſle of Tirrie, and Shire of Argyle, in 1728; and when eight Years of Age, my Brother, with three other Merchants, who had a coaſting Boat among them, loaded with Beef, Blankets, Linen, Skins, &c. took me along, at my Deſire, to lead a Horſe to the Port; where being arrived, I went unperceived aboard of the Boat, and hid myſelf in a Barrel, to give my Father the Slip; and the Boat ſailing off, I was carried to a Port to the Iſle of Mull, twelve Leagues from Tirrie, before it was known to the Merchants that I was aboard, I having got myſelf a very ſound Sleep in my Concealment during the Paſſage. My Father, in the mean Time, was almoſt diſtracted for me, as he could not find me any where, till my Brother ſent Word Home that I was aboard: And it being inconvenient to return me Home, they proceeded on their Voyage, and carried me to the Port of Greenock, where they delivered their Cargo, andhad