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which I carried to Greenock in a Timber Stoup, with a Spoon; and being ignorant of what I was to do, or that I was to have Money for it, I invited every Body to taſte till it was all ſpent, then returning Home, told my Miſtreſs every Body liked it; ſhe perceived my Ignorance, and was ſo far from chiding me on Account of my bad Market, that ſhe laughed very heartily at the Joke, but never ſent me to ſell her Cream any more.

Here I ſtaid till after Harveſt, when coming up to Glaſgow in a Lighter, where I was entertained for what little Services I could then do; and wandering through that pretty Town, admiring every Thing I ſaw, I was aſked by a Gentleman's Servant, if I would go along with him? I agreed, and taking me to an Inn where his Maſter was, I got ſome Punch to drink, which by the Fatigue of the Day and Heat of the Fire lull me aſleep; and I was carried before the Servant on Horſeback in that Condition to Auchinrooch, in the Pariſh of Campſie and Shire of Stirling, where I ſtaid three Years, and was happy beyond Expreſſion. This being a fine Family, I cannot here mention it without the warmeſt Wiſhes for their Succeſſors Happineſs; for I am informed, that both my kind Maſter and his Lady Mother are dead, who, when in Life were a Bleſſing to all around them.

When I parted with this good Family it was after Harveſt, and with a Promiſe to return in the Spring; ſo I went to Glaſgow again, genteelly cloathed, and my Maſter, with his own Hands,tied