Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/290

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meeting in Valarshapat, from which originated six treatises, containing rules for the better government of bishops, su£fragans, priests, and their congregations.

About this period a general council was held a. d.isi. at Ephesus, to consider the heresy of Nestorius, and at its conclusion the patriarchs present wrote an epistle to the Armenians, containing the proceedings of the meeting, which was given to the six translators, who, as we have before observed, were in Constantinople. By them it was delivered to St. Isaac, together with a copy of the Bible. He immediately summoned a meeting at the city of Ashtishat, where the decisions of the council of Ephesus were approved, and the doctrines of Nesto- rius and his partizans condemned. Some short time after, the followers of Nestorius began to disseminate their heresies in Armenia, by the booksofTheodorus of Mopsuesta, and Diodorus of Tarsus. St. Isaac, on obtaining informa- tion of it, again summoned an assembly in Ashtishat, where these books were.jpondemned by an anathema, and directions sent to Con- stantinople forbidding the introduction of si- milar works into the kingdom.*

• See Hist, Book II, c. 59.

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