Page:The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade.djvu/11

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Christian Slavery in Northern Africa.
Barbary — the Carthaginians, the Romans, the Vandals. — Northern Africa annexed to the Greek Empire. — Conquered by the Saracens. — The Spanish Moors pass over to Africa. — Their expeditions to plunder the coasts of Spain, and carry off the Christian Spaniards into Slavery. — Cardinal Ximenes invades Barbary, 1509, to release the captives. — Barbarossa, the sea-rover, becomes king of Algiers. — The Christian Slaves build tbe mole. — Expeditions of Charles V. against the Moors. — Insurrection of the Slaves. — Charles releases 20,000 Christians from Slaverv and curies off 10,000 Mohammedans to be reduced to Slavery in Spain. — The Moors retaliate by seizing 6000 Minorcans for Slaves. Second expedition of Charles — its disastrous termination — his army destroyed — prisoners sold into Slavery. — The Algerines extend their depredations into the English Channel. — Condition of the Christian slaves in Barbary — treated with more humanity than African slaves among Christians. — Ransom of the Slaves by their countrymen. — British Parliament appropriates money for the purpose. — The French send bomb vessels in 1688. — Lord Exmouth in 1816 releases 3000 captives, and puts an end to Christian Slavery in Barbary 68
African Slave Trade from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Century.
Negroland, or Nigritia, described. — Slavery among the Natives. — Mungo Park's estimate of the number of Slaves. — The Portuguese navigators explore the African coast. — Natives first carried off in 1434. — Portuguese establish the Slave-Trade on the Western Coast — followed by the Spaniards. — America discovered — colonized by the Spaniards, who reduce the Natives to Slavery — they die by thousands in consequence. — The Dominican priests intercede for them. — Negroes from Africa substituted as Slaves, 1510. — Cardinal Ximenes remonstrates. — Charles V. encourages the trade. — Insurrection of the Slaves at Segovia. — Other nations colonize America. — First recognition of the Slave-Trade by the English government in 1562, reign of Elizabeth. — First Negroes imported into Virginia in a Dutch vessel in 1620. — The French and other commericial notions engage in the traffic. — The great demand for Slaves on the African coast. — Negroes fighting and kidnapping each other. — Slave factories established by the English, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese. — Slave factory described. — How Slaves were procured in the interior 93
Slave Traffic of the Levant — Nubian Slaves.
The Mohammedan slave-trade. — Nubian slaves captured for the slave market of the Levant. — Mohammed Ali. — Grand expeditions for hunting. — Annual tribute of slaves. — The encampment. — Attack upon the villages. — Courage of the Natives. — Their heroic resistance. — Cruelty of the victors. — Destruction of villages. — The captives sold into slavery 102