Page:The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade.djvu/20

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Constitutional Convention at Lecompton. — Appointment of Delegates. — Pro-slavery Majority. — Provisions of tbe Constitution. — Constitution not to be submitted to the People — Sent to Congress. — Admission of Kansas under it urged by the President. Northern Democrats oppose it. — Amendments to the bill offered in the House and Senate. — Defeat of the bill. — Committee of Conference. — English bill passed. — Constitution rejected by the People of Kansas. — President removes Gov. Walker and Secretary Stanton. — Medary of Ohio appointed Governor. — Republican Legislature elected in Kansas. — Provide for a Constitutional Convention. — New Constitution framed — Ratified by the People. — State Officers elected under it. — Sent to the President 807
Statistical Tables constructed from the Census of 1850.
Territory — Area of Free States; area of Slave States. — Population — Free colored in Free States; Free colored in Slave States; Slaves. — Amalgamation; Mulattoes of Free States; Mulattoes of Slave States; Proportion to Whites. — Manumitted Slaves; Fugitive Slaves; Occupation of Slaves; Number of Slave Holders; Proportion to Non-Slave Holders. — Representation — Number of Representatives from Slave States. — Number of Representatives from Free States; Basis in numbers and classes. — Moral and Social — Churches, Church Property, Colleges, Public Schools, Private Schools; Number of Pupils; Annual Expenditure; Persons who cannot read and write; Lands appropriated by General Government for Education; Periodical Press; Libraries. — Charities — Pauperism in Free States; in Slave States. — Criminals — Number of Prisoners. — Agriculture — Value of Farms and Implements in Free and Slave States. — Manufactures, Mining, Mechanic Arts — Capital invested; Annual Product. — Rail Roads and Canals — Number of Miles; Cost. — Total Real and Personal Estate. — Value of Real Estate in Free States; in Slave States; value of Personal in Free States; in Slave States, including and excluding Slaves. — Miscellaneous 826
The Insurrection at Harper's Ferry 842
Case of Dred Scott vs. Sandford. 852
Election of Speaker—The "Impending Crisis." 892