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To the Jewish People.[1]

[Paragraphs which are indented and parts in italics were omitted in the Butmi version, but are given in the French publication “Le Péril Judéo Maçonnique—I. Les Protocols des Sages de Zion,” by Jouin, Paris, 1920.]

“Our fathers ordained the chosen ones in Israel to gather, without fail, once every century, at the grave of our great Master Caleb, the sainted Rabbi Simeon Ben Judah, whose great knowledge is imparted to the elect of each generation to gain the power over the whole world and authority over all the descendants of Israel. . . .

“It is already eighteen centuries that the war of Israel is being waged with the power which had been promised to Abraham but which had been snatched away from him by the Cross. Trampled under foot, humiliated by his enemies, ceaselessly under threats of death, of persecution, of rapine and violence of every sort, Israel has not succumbed; and if he is dispersed over the whole world it is because the whole world should belong to him.

“It has been for a few [eighteen] centuries now that our learned men have been fighting against the Cross with courage

  1. NOTE. (Toward the end of the last century there appeared a book in London by Retcliffe entitled “A Review of Political and Historical Events During the Past Ten Years.” This work was translated into French. The French periodical press, without waiting for the complete translation of the book, reproduced certain parts of it because they were of special interest. Thus the French newspapers and magazines published translations from the English of an intensely interesting speech, most edifying for Russia (from the Hebrew), delivered by one of the Rabbis, THE AUTHENTICITY OF WHICH SPEECH IS VOUCHED FOR BY THE ABOVE-MENTIONED AUTHOR. This inimitable gem must in the eyes of Russians assume all the more importance since it is brought out by that “highly civilized” humane and practical country, England, which has given protection to the Russian Jews against the unsuccessfully invented persecutions on the part of the Russian government and people. This monstrous document was sent at the time in printed form, in the French language, to the editorial office of the Odessa newspaper “Novorosisk Telegraph” for those who might want to examine the accuracy of the translation published in No. 4996 of that newspaper, dated January 15, 1891, and reprinted in No. 21 of the Petersburg newspaper “Znamya,” dated January 22, 1904. THE SPEECH RELATES TO THE TIME OF SANHEDRIN OF 1869.)