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support him. If an Israelite is trapped by the court of the country in which he resides, his brethren in faith should use all their efforts to get him out of trouble or to help him otherwise, but on the condition that the Israelite in question acted according to the laws which Israel observes strictly and guards for so many centuries, and the precepts of our religion.

“Our people is conservative, faithful to the religious ceremonies and usages which our ancestors have bequeathed to us.

“It is very important for us to pretend to be expounders and protagonists of social questions prevalent at the time in a country, especially of those whose aim it is to better the fate of the workingman; but, in reality, our efforts must gravitate towards possession and rule over the movements of public opinion.

“The blindness of the masses and the tendency of their leaders to yield to oratory, as empty as it is loud, make them easy prey for us and a double weapon for our popularity and credit. With the aid of oratory, our speakers will be able to make people believe our artificial enthusiasm which Christians usually attain through the medium of genuine sentiment.

“It is necessary, to support as much as possible, the Proletariat and to subjugate it to those in charge of the finances. Acting in this manner, it will be for us to incite the masses, whenever we shall need them. We will use them as weapons for upheavals and revolutions and each of these catastrophes will move our cause forward with gigantic strides and will bring us, with a quick pace, nearer our goal—to reign over the entire world, as it was promised by our Father Abraham.”