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122 On the defcent* of the American Indians from the Jews.

from the verb, to fhine Becaufe, the fruit thereof tended to give their faces a favourite glittering colour. 'Tis well known that oil was applied by the Jews to the moft facred, as well as common ufes. Their kings, prophets and priefts, at their inauguration and confecration were anointed with oil and the- prom ifed Saviour was himfelf defcribed, by the epi thet " anointed," and is faid Pfal. xlv. 7. to be " anointed with the oil of gladnefs above his fellows.'* We (hall on this point, difcover no fmall refem- falance and conformity in the American Indians.

The Indian priefts and prophets are initiated by unction. The Chik- kafah fome time ago fet apart fome of their old men of the religious order. They firft obliged them to fweat themfelves for the fpace of three days and- nights, in a fmall green hut, made on purpofe, at a confiderable diftance from any dwelling-, through a fcrupulous fear of contracting pollution; by contact, or from the effluvia of polluted people and a-ftfong defire of iecreting their religious myfteries. During that interval, they were allowed to eat nothing but green tobacco, nor to drink any thing except warm water, highly imbittered with the button-fnake-root, to cleanfe their bodies^ and prepare them to ferve in their holy, or beloved office, before the divine eifence, whom during this preparation they conftantly invoke by his eflen- tial name, as before defcribed; After which, their prieftty garments and ornaments, mentioned under a former argument, page 84, are put on, and then bear's oil is poured upon their head. If they could procure olive, or palm oil, inflead of bear's oil, doubtlefs they would prefer and ufe it in their facred ceremonies ; efpecialty, as they are often deflitute of their favourite bear's oil for domeftk ufes.

The Jewifli women were fo exceedingly addicted to anoint their faces and bodies, that they often preferred oil to the neceflaries of life; the widow who addrefled herfelf to Elima, though fhe was in the moft pinch ing ftraits, and wanted every thing elfe, yet had a pot of oil to anoint her felf. This cuftom of anointing became univerfal, among the eaftcrn na tions. They were not fatisfied with perfuming t;hemfelves with fweet oils and fine eflences j but anointed birds as in the ninth ode of Anacreon ;

Tot unde mine odores ? Hue advolans per auras, Spirafque, depluifque ..;


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