Page:The History of the American Indians.djvu/171

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Their cities of refuge*

This town of refuge called Cbo&tti is ficuated on a large ftream of the Miflifippi,. five miles above the late unfortunate Fort-Loudon, where fome years ago, a brave Englifhman was protected after killing an Indian war rior in defence of his property. The gentleman told me, that as his trading houfe was near to that town of refuge, he had refolved with himfelf, after fome months flay in it, to return home , but the head-men aflured him, that though he was then fafe, it would prove fatal if he removed thence ; fo he continued in his afylum ftill longer, till the affair was by- time more obliterated, and he had wiped off all their tears with various prefents. In die upper or molt weftern part of the country of the Mufkohge, there was an old beloved town, now reduced to a fmall ruinous village, called Kotfab, which is dill a place of fafety for thofe who kill undefignedly. It ftands on commanding ground, over-looking a. bold river, which after running about forty leagues, fweeps clofe by the late mifchievous French garrifon Alebamah, and down to Mobille- Sound, 200 leagues diftance, and fo into the gulph of Florida..

In almoft every Indian nation; there are feveral peaceable towns, which- are called "old-beloved," "ancient, holy, or white -.towns *;" they feem to have been formerly " towns of refuge," for it is not in the memory of. their oldeft people, that ever human blood was fhed in them , although they, often force perfons from thence, and put them to death elfewhere*

��A R G U M,E N T XVL.

Before the Indians go to WAR, they have many preparatory ceremonies- of purification and faffing, like what is recorded of the Ifraelites.

In the firft commencement of a war, a party of the injured tribe turns- out firft, to revenge the innocent crying blood of their own bone and flefh, as they term it. When the leader begins to beat up for volunteers, he goes three times round his dark winter-houfe, contrary to the courfe of the fun, founding the. war-whoop, finging the war-fong, and beating the drum.

  • WHITE is their fixt emblem of peace, friendfnip, happinefs, profperity, purity, .holi-

nefs, &c. as with the Ifraelites,

- Then;

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