Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/10

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To the Reader.

which were acted in this unhappy tragedy, we thought nothing could be declared by us, of which there was not ſufficient example, whether wee conſider the most bitter hured and rage of Sathan againſt the Church or the fraudulent machinations of Antichriſt, or humane fragillity in perſecutions; or the moſt wiſe counſell and help of God in preſerving his: but becauſe it is neither unpleaſant nor unprofitable for Godly ſpirits to looke upon many examples; partly, to ſee upon what various occaſions God doth exerciſe his Church with afflictions; partly, how craftily the old Serpent doth circumvent the Saints of God, likewiſe how men being expoſed to trials do ſeverall wayes fall, and laſtly, how valiantly God doth corroberate ſome valiantly to undergo diſgraces, baniſhments, priſons, deaths, and all things grievous for his Name, and how they overcame the world by bearing. Therefore wee were willing to communicate our affaires to the Churches of Chriſt diſperſed through-the World, and Godlinesse it ſelfe doth command us to declare unto posterity, as much as in us lies, what waters wee have paſt through, and in what furnaces of fire wee have beene heated, that
