Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/13

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To the Reader.

God, who chaſtiſes his Church for their faults; and in the enemy who ſeeks to deſtroy it, therefore we lawfully ſay, with that Martyr mentioned 2. Machabees 7. 32. We ſuffer for our ſinnes. Yet thou who doth wage war with God in perſecuting his ſervants, thou ſhalt not eſcape the judgement of the Almighty. We could have wiſhed theſe things more copiouſly to have been collected, and more accurately ſet down, than our preſent ſtate will ſuffer us; but in regard we have been often admoniſhed to communicate ſome late tranſactions done in our Country and Church, we had rather give this, than not to ſatisfie the deſires of thoſe that are good. When God ſhall bring us home again, which we hope, other memorable things may be added and theſe things which are now written, declared with more evidence Farewell.

In our baniſhment in
the year, 1632.

N. N. N. &c.