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The Hiſtory of

this Emblem written under I have practiſed. caſting a jeere upon the Orders, for ſuffering themſelves ſo to be bound and tied to drowſineſſe; but the year following a booke of Moltzarmius Alſatia from the new erected Academie of the Jeſuites came forth, in the dedication whereof encouraging Leopaldus to zeale they urge the example of his moſt peaceable Brother the founder of the Univerſitie, that howſoever at his coronation in Bohemia after the uſuall manner, he performed his oath to the Heriticks, yet firſt he left it in the Veſtrie of the Church, that he would not give way to the Heriticks, whereby the Church might be defrauded.

4. And it appeared moſt ſufficiently that Ferdinand ſware to the Orders with his mouth in his heart to the Pope; truly from that time ſomething hath bin attempted, whereby it might not be well with the Goſpelers, either by paſſing from them their right by coſening, or by overcoming their patience, that by open injuries they might give them occaſion to oppoſe them. Preſently after Ferdinand was gone, they went about, not only the Biſhop and the Clergie, but the Laity, with thoſe that did belong to the Pope. Slawata, Smeczanski and others (in Moravia, Olomucenſis the Biſhop; and alſo the chiefe Duke Ladiſlaus de Lobkowitz, the Lord of Holdſeorvia) to vexe his ſubjects for Religion, contrary to the expreſſe aſſurance of the obligation of
