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The Bohemian Perſecution.

firſt was courteous to her Husband, and the Chriſtian Nobility, and promiſed after her Catechiſiug that ſhe would be baptized: but this wicked woman did boldly deceive both thoſe that inſtructed her, and thoſe that were her Sponſers in baptiſe ; for ſhe was more cruell againſt Chriſtians, then Iezabel was againſt the Prophets.

§.4. Whileſt her pious Husband lived, ſhe cunningly diſſembled that hatred which was evilly conceived againſt the Chriſtians: but he being buried, when the Grandmother Ludomilla did undertake to educate the elder ſon Wenceslaus, Drahomira requiring the younger Boliſlawes to be under her tuition, ſhee uſurped the Government, and ſtraightway commanded by a publike Edict, that the Churches ſhould be ſhut againſt the Chriſtians, that the exerciſe of their Worſhip ſhould be hindred. She likewiſe prohibited Miniſters from inſtructing the people, and Schoolmaſters from teaching Youth: thoſe that diſobeyed were liable to impriſonment, baniſhment, and death. At Prague, the Magiſtrates were changed, and the moſt cruell Idolaters were ſubſtituted in the places of the Chriſtians, by whoſe incitement the Chriſtians were ſecretly, openly, unworthily abuſed and murthered, without any puniſhment to the perpetrators of that miſchief; but if a Chriſtian had killed another in his own defence, ten were maſſacred for one.

5. The inſatiable crueltie of Drahomira could not be ſatisfied with this puniſhment, her great deſire of

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