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The Hiſtory of

Chap. LVIII.

Ministers cast out of Moravia.

THe ſame year 1624 as in Bohemia, ſo in Moravia, the Edict was publiſhed againſt the Miniſters, and Commiſſaries were appointed who ſhould ſee the execution done. Theſe going through all the Provinces, remove the Miniſters of the Goſpell, and at the laſt baniſh them.

2. But John Jacob the greater an Italian, and a man that was very rich, and Iohn Erneſtas Plateſius, a Canon of Colmucenſis, came unto that illuſtrious Baron, Charles of Zerotina, a man for his wiſedome, and other Heroieall Virtues, famous through all Europe. And under Matthias for the ſpace of eight yeares pro-Mazchio, and being in great favour with the houſe of Auſtria for his fidelity to them, onely envied for his conſtancie in Religion, for even at that time he maintained 24 of the fraternity in his juriſdiction, for which they required that he ſhould give ſatisfaction to ſar, neither could ſar looſe any priviledge thereby: They ſay they have an expreſs command from Ditrichſteinus the Cardinall, the governour of Moravia, he tells them againe, that in matters of Religion he ought not to be ſubject to
