Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/371

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

hanging, burning, rather than we would ſinne againſt God: and as they were going out he calleth out to them, ſaying, What ye do, do quickly. Forthwith it was commanded, that twice a week, and not oftner, there ſhould bee given them a mouthfull of bread, and a draught of water: and then they were kept apart one from the other: Akſamit was left there, Nicholaus thruſt into the ſinke of the priſon (ſaving your preſence) Sigiſmund into a furnace, and none permitted to viſit them, at length, having for the ſpace of twenty one weekes, uſed all meanes for the working upon them, and deſpairing of their converſion, they ſet a fine upon them and ſo baniſhed them, who with joy leaving their poſſeſſions ditected their courſe into Polonia, but Karlik having got a diſeaſe in priſon, died of it in his owne country.

22. But wee may moře rightfully, beſtow the praiſe of conſtancy (and why not of Martyrdome) upon them, who even to their death endured hardſhip in priſon; of this number before this univerſal perſecution, was Iohn Burjan Kochowetz, a moſt honeſt and learned man, whom the Governor of Lobkowicz, becauſe that at his pleaſure he would hot ſubſcribe to the Popiſh ſuperſtitions, cauſed to be bound; which he (although perpetually vexed with the Monkes and Jeſuites) did yaliantly endure for the ſpace of three yeares: and in thoſe bonds hee died, and af-
