Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/377

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

the certain will of the Lord, that all you alſo ſhould hear me) neither were they ſo ſtrong as to ſnatch the book out of my hand. Nevertheleſſe they did deſpiſe the glory of God: for I ought to teach all, how they might come to repentance, but they had a ſigne given them, when thoſe three ſpiritual men went from me, asking me a ſign from Heaven (but they are without excuſe, for they themſelves held the books in their own hands) and I wept greatly, becauſe they did not receive the Lords anointed: which indeed is no matter of wonder, ſeeing even from the beginning of the world, they did perſecute thoſe, who being renewed of God, doe good workes. And it was neceſſary that it ſhould ſo happen to me, that every one might know the world to be an hater of the truth; becauſe the truth is not in it: and that it alſo might appear, that the world is an enemy of God. Nothing therefore could ſo farre affright me, nor had I reſpect to any thing that ſhould hinder me from the chearfull doing of that work which God had vouchſafed to deliver unto me. I would therefore knew of you, who are made of earth, and of a lump of clay as well as I, what place you will ſhew me, that I might freely teach you without impediment: if that you do refuſe this, there will a time come wherein you would deſire to ſhew me a place, but ye ſhal not have it. Wherefore in the name of God I do exhort you, that you would not receive this grace of God in vaine, nor deſpiſe it;

Z 4.