Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/46

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The Hiſtory of

with ſome Captaines of Sigiſmunds, and guarded with a band of Souldiers he commanded them to bee brought out half dead with hunger and cold, and pronounces a ſentence of death againſt them, and cauſing ſome horſes to be harneſſed, he ſets them in carts and brings them to the bankes of Albis to drown them in the river.

2. In the meane time there is a great concourſe of people, their Wives, Children, Kinsfolkes, and friends crying and mourning. The Conſuls onely daughter comes, wringing her hands and throwes herſelf down at her fathers feet, beſeeehing him to ſave her husbands life. But her father harder than any rock, commands her to leave weeping, telling her ſhe knew not what ſhe asked. [What ſaith he, cannot you have a worthier husband than this is] ſhe perceiving by theſe words that it was impoſſible to perſwade him, riſeth. [Oh father ſaith ſhe, you ſhall never more eſpouſe me to any.] So beating her breaſt, and tearing her hair ſhe followeth her husband, with the reſt of the people.

3. When the Martyrs were brought to the bankes of Albis, they are taken down from the carts, and while the Ferries are preparing (for there was not then a bridge over Albis as there is now) they with loud voices call heaven & earth to witneſs their innocency, and take their laſt farewell of their wives, children and friends, exhorting them in conſtancy and zeale,
