Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/52

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The Hiſtory of

where beiug thruſt into a dark Dungeon, he detained them for two moneths, none of the people being ſuffered to come unto them. They were elabourately tormented with variety of executions, for they were conſumed with fire untill their bowells came forth to confeſſe, from whence they derived their errours, and who were their accomplices at Prague, inſomuch that by the unadviſedneſſe of the pain, they were inforced to diſcover the names of ſome of their friends. Howſoever being adviſed to return from the maze of their errors into the path of truth, they ſmiling anſwered, not we but you muſt think of returning, for you are drawn aſide from the Word of God to the impoſtures of Antichriſt, and you do worſhip the creature for the Creator.

2. Being therefore brought to the puniſhment of the fire, when they were admoniſhed by the ſhavelings that they would deſire the peoples prayers, they replied. We do not need their prayers, pray for your ſelves O Christians, and for thoſe who do ſeduce you, that the everliving Father of Light, may bring you out of darkneſſe. Being brought to the place of puniſhment, they were ſhut up in a tub both together, and ſo committed to the fire. This was done on the 21 day of Auguſt, in the year of our Lord 1441.

4. Not long after there were taken at Prague ſome other men addicted to the ſame opinion, a-
