Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/54

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The Hiſtory of

people, that they did breake open the doores, and beholding the lamentable ſpectable, one of them brought forth the head of the Monk, and ſhewed it to the multitude ſtanding round about him, on which ſo generall was the out-cry, and ſo loud the lamentation, that no pen is able to expreſſe it.

3. Not long after, a Prieſt (Gaudentius by name) carrying the head about the City (laid in a Charger) did incite all that met him, to revenge. By reaſon whereof, the anger of the multitude being heightned and inflamed into a fury, they put to death ſome of the Senators, others ſayed themſelves by flight. The Colledges themſelves were plundered; the bodies of the deceaſed good men were brought into the Church, and ſolemnly interred. The Preacher having heard the complaint of the people, and obſerving ſuch a conſternation in their minds, that many of them fainting away, did almoſt tremble into death, he became ſpeechleſſe himſelf. Having recovered his ſpirit, he did read his text out of the Acts of the Apoſtles, the words were, And godly men buried Stephen. At the end of his Sermon he did fervently exhort them, with many words, and tears, and obteſtations, ſhewing the head of Zeline to the people, that what they had learned from ſo faithfull a Maſter, they would be mindfull of it, and give no beliefe to any who ſhould teach the contrary, although he were an Angell from Heaven.
