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The Hiſtory of

tient that he was thus deluded, did again make a new faction, and bitterly inveighed againſt the unrighteouſneſſe of the Emperor, and the domineering of the Pope of Rome, & for fear of ſar he for the ſpace of 3 years, withdrew himſelf from Prague, for Sigismund not long after died, & ſo did his ſucceſſour Albertus within two years ſpace, having left his ſon Ladiſlaus behind him, who had his education in the Court of Frederick the Emperor.

8. In this tine and intervall of Government, and eſpecially not long after the ſudden death of Ladiſlaus, when George Podebrade did ſucceed him whom Rokizane did infinitely poſſeſſe, was that of the Prophet truly fulfilled, Manaſſes ſhall devour Ephraim, and Ephraim Manaſſes, and both ſhall be againſt Juda. For the Pope did rage againſt George Podebrade, and the Calixtines, who were thoſe that uſed the Cup, with prohibitions, cenſures, and with curſes, and they as eagerly did inveigh againſt the Pope and Monks but the truly faithfull were on both ſides oppreſſed.


The Taborites perſecuted.

1. IN the year of our Lord, 1444. the Reliques of the Thaborites were utterly oppreſſed by force and fraud, for Rokizane by himſelf and others
