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The Bohemian Perſecution.

forſwear himſelfe in the ſight of the people, and to ſpeak lies in the ſtead of truth, refuſed any longer to obey them, and confeſſed that hee was ſuborned to do what he did, and that he knew not any of the Piccardines.

4. Howſoever this impudence, and theſe obloquies of the Devill, by the accuſtomed goodneſſe of God, did prove good for ſome, who making experience of ſo great a Villany, began privately and in diſguiſes to frequent the Aſſemblies of the Brethren, and finding it to bee farre otherwiſe, than was reported, they did aſſociate themſelves with the brothers, as with true Chriſtians.


The Brothers proſcribed from Moravia into Moldavia.

IN the yeare 1488. Matthias King of Hungary, proſcribed the brothers from Moravia, ſome hundreds of them having taken a Miniſter with them by name Nicholas Slansky, came through Hungary and Tranſilvania into Moldavia, unto whom ſome two years afterwards, the Brothers ſent one of their Elders, Elias Krenowski, with letters deſiring them with patience, to endure their baniſhment for the Truth, but Moravia being not long after reſtored to the King of Bohemia, Wladiſlaus being
