Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/91

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

not be in private but in publick, but they pretending I know not what new buſineſſes, adjourned the diſputation to another time, the brothers being lovingly diſmiſſed.


The Proclamation of King Wladiſlaus for the baniſhing of the Brothers, made fruſtrate by the intervention of ſome wonderfull Iudgements: The Martyrs at Bora.

I. THe enemies of the truth could not bee quiet, but a new deſtruction was againe deſigned, to this ſmall flocke of the brothers, for Iohn Bozake Biſhop of Warade in Hungary (a Moravian by his birth, a ſubtile man, and burning with an implacable hatred againſt the enemies of the truth) entring into crafty counſell with other Biſhops of Hungaria and Bohemia, the Queen her ſelfe was ſuborned, who great with child, and ſo neere unto her delivery, that it was believed the King would deny her nothing in that eſtate, ſhe ſollicited him for a new edict againſt the Piccardins, and comming to his Chamber, as it was afterwards known by ſome Gentlemen of his Bedchamber, and moſt worthy of beliefe, ſhe deſired that favour that the King would give way to ſo many Petitions, and ſeverely proſe-
